About Me

Hi!  Thanks for checking out my blog.  I'm happy to share what I have found through my own journey and I'm grateful to all of the others who have paved the way for the rest of us.  If you want gluten free and paleo resources there are endless blogs with recipes and ideas.  I'm only jumping into the mix in this niche as a way of giving back to the other bloggers/writers who have done so much to help me.

I work as a guide in the adventure travel and backpacking/hiking world in places like the Canadian Rockies, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Southern Utah, New Mexico and Hawai'i. 

In May of 2012, after 6 months on antibiotics due to a strange infection that baffled everyone, my bloodwork showed that I had all the signs of celiac and follow up work indicated more auto-immune issues with dairy and corn as well.  For years, I had subtle celiac signs but like many people, I ignored them thinking it was normal.  I'm grateful for the infection and the antibiotics as the damage done here, got me on the right track and probably saved my life and my health! 

In my own efforts to find food solutions while backpacking and traveling and coming up short, I decided to gather the resources that are out there into one place and share what I have found to be helpful.

The primary guide services that I work for are Wildland Trekking, REI Adventure Travel, and Bicycle Adventures.

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